Friday, April 27, 2007

Biodiversity, Exxon Mobil, and farmers market

Today, Chris and I did a presentation about biodiversity for Shen's Earth Day. I think it went really well, and we hopefully inspired some people to help. I want to extend a welcome to our new high school members!

I'd been searching a while for a newspaper article to prove what I'd heard numerous times before: Exxon Mobil has been funding climate change skepticism (at least $16 million). Surprise! I came across one today:

We're working on figuring out how to get a farmer's market going around here. Apparently there already is a small one in the summer at St. George' s Episcopal Church at 912 Rt 146, so we'll see what we can do to raise awareness.


Friday, April 20, 2007

When meetings will start

Tentatively, our first open meeting will be Thursday, May 24th. We're still looking for a public place to have meetings, so please let us know (comment or email) if you have any ideas of where we could have it. I'm going to try to contact as many organizations and community members as possible around here to gather support. During this time we'll also figure out in what order we can work on the projects, and have a meeting with our core members.
Thursdays from about 8-10 seem to be the best time to have weekly meetings. I'm extremely flexible about this so it's really up to when everyone else is available! Let me know if you'd like to help out but can't make it to the meeting.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Project Ideas

So what we need are suggestions as to what kinds of thing we want to change in CP. It would wise to start posting any ideas for projects we have now so that when summer hits we can organize, prioritize, and make a difference!

Feel free to list anything from local compost sites to town legislature proposals. We'll use this platform to work out the steps to make 'em happen.

Mission statement

This summer is a perfect time to get our friends, family, and neighbors together to make Clifton Park a better environment to live in. There are a lot of ways a dedicated group of people can change this town for the better.

We are young, optimistic, and full of ideas. A lot of students see Clifton Park as a suburban wasteland full of clone houses and chain restaurants. However, I know we can organize effectively to inspire others in our town so not just the grass is green.

We are serious about this. This won't be another project that disappears in a couple weeks. Here we will post meeting dates, initiatives, and progress. Check back for updates!