Sunday, July 8, 2007

Live Earth Pledge

Help reach the goal of getting 50,000 signatures on the Live Earth Plegde!

Friday, July 6, 2007

SCCG sustainability forum!


How to keep our planet and
our families healthy
[a public forum]

Saturday, July 28th
Clifton Park Halfmoon Public Library
1:00 – 3:30 PM

  • What is sustainable development?
  • Which alternative energy options are viable for the future?
  • How will global warming change our lives?
  • Why support local and organic food?
  • How are industrial chemicals affecting our bodies?
  • What can we do NOW?

    Listen to experts
    Ask questions
    Change our community

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Senate Energy Bill

A few days ago, the senate energy bill passed. You can find out what the issues were here.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Booth at the Commons and Live Earth

On Wednesday, July 4th, SCCG will have a booth at the Clifton Commons from about two to five. We'll be selling small paper windmills for kids and maple syrup as a fundraiser, and will be taking cans to recycle. We'll have our business cards out and a few flyers out about some of the issues we're focused on.

This Saturday, there will be the Live Earth Concert. Tons of bands will be playing all over the globe to raise awareness about climate change. The Clifton Park Democrats will be hosting a showing at Mocha Lisa's at the Clifton Park Center at 7:45, and it should last an hour. Check it out for more info about Live Earth!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Alright guys, we're looking to expand local agriculture for Clifton Park and surrounding areas. What we need is to raise awareness of local farms in the area and connect them in order to create a farmers' market that not only advocates the use of local, organic, and sustainable produce, but one that also is readily available at least 5 days a week. In order to achieve this, we will need volunteers to collect our share of the produce (after we've purchased shares of course), but more importantly we are seeking people to help work on the farms. Call (518)396-7832 to discuss what farms/where and how you can help. I'm available M-F 9AM-12pm, Sat. After 5pm or before noon, and all day SUnday.