Tuesday, January 22, 2008


SCCG will have a booth at the Focus the Nation event at Shen this weekend (see last post for details).

There's an award of about $500 for young people (ages 8-16) who are working on an environmental project. http://www.grantsalert.com/grants.cfm?id=4&gid=9825 I'd strongly encourage someone to apply for that award if they have a project.

The National Wildlife Federation is now accepting entries for their annual photography contest.

There's also an essay contest for ages 8-18 about energy for the future.

Hope to see you at the Focus the Nation event this weekend!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Focus the Nation Event at Shen

Shenendehowa SCARCE Club will be hosting a national event Focus the Nation” http://www.focusthenation.org/nationalteachin.php on Sunday January 27th from 12-4 in High School East little theatre. Dr. Steven Leibo from Russell Sage College will be speaking at 1:00 PM on Global Climate Change, what it means to you and how to solve the problem. Several groups (NYSERDA, Pride of New York, Energy Bike etc) will have displays set up on environmental topics. Please announce to your students. Hope you can bring your family and friends.

Monday, January 14, 2008

"What are they waiting for?"

"The climate crisis will be the biggest challenge facing the next president. But the top Sunday hosts don’t seem to think so. In 2007, they asked 2,275 questions, but only three mentioned global warming." - National Wildlife Federation
You can check out this video about it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Kids + chemicals

Babies and young kids are often more susceptible to the effects of their environment because they're developing.
An Environmental Working Group recently did a study of chemicals that kids are exposed to. According to their study, "the EWG found that the average child is exposed to 27 chemicals per day that have not been found to be safe for young people." (from http://www.seventhgeneration.com/making_difference/newsletter_article.php?article=601&issue=107)
The Environmental Working Group does have a parent's buying guide for products that are less toxic for kids. Check it out.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Are Your Efforts Really 'Green'?

The New York Times recently published an article questioning whether or not companies use the illusion of being 'green' and environmentally friendly to appear hip and attract customers eager to do good, and in fact coined a new term to describe the phenomenon: Greenwashing. In an attempt to alleviate the deception that likely occurs, the Federal Trade Commission is beginning to update its environmental advertising guidelines. One can only wonder if the measure is too late; are consumers beginning to lose their illusion with 'green' businesses that, in reality, do little for the environment, and will this cause a backlash for other businesses that really achieve something?
See 'F.T.C. Asks if Carbon-Offset Money is Winding Up True Green' for the full article: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/09/business/09offsets.html?_r=1&scp=3&sq=federal+trade+commission&oref=slogin