Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Al Gore has called for 100% energy to come from renewable sources within the next ten years. Some don't believe this is possible or even desired. But this is really important, and MoveOn has created a petition to push for this, and around 150,000 people have already signed it.

"Al Gore took a big risk when he called on us to get 100% of our electricity from cheap, clean sources within 10 years. It's an achievable goal, but it's already under attack from the oil and coal companies. They're calling his plan unrealistic, impossible, and crazy.
We're in a crisis. If this is the fate of any new idea to get us out of this crisis alive, we're toast. Gore's challenge will live or die on the reaction of people like us.
We can turn back Big Oil's attack if hundreds of thousands of us personally endorse Gore's challenge to power our country with 100% cheap, clean energy within 10 years—and then we urge Obama, McCain, and Congress to get on board.
Clicking here will add your support to Gore's challenge:" (from