Monday, June 11, 2007

Farm visit!

We've arranged a visit to Serendipity Farm, which is at 234 Sugarhill road in Clifton Park (near Grooms Corners). Look for the mailbox, because there's no sign. Some of the core leaders visited him last week and it was really cool- he's a really nice guy and has chickens, a greenhouse, and a big field that he plants heirloom vegetables on. His chickens are free range and he doesn't use genetically modified (GM) crops or pesticides. We'll be going at 3:00 this Saturday (June 16th), and EVERYONE is welcome! Bring your family and friends. You'll get to see a working farm, talk to him about organic/sustainable farming, and then if you want you can stick around to help him out with the farm (like planting/weeding/building something). See you there!

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