Friday, October 24, 2008

Two local events

"The Bells are Ringing …
…not for me and my gal, but they will be ringing 350 times at St. George’s Church and at churches and synagogues throughout the area. Why?- to remind parishioners and members of the Clifton Park community of the vital importance of reducing carbon emissions in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million or less. That’s the maximum amount of carbon that scientists tell us we can have in order to maintain the fragile ecosystems that sustain life on earth. Right now those same scientists tell us that carbon emissions into the atmosphere from manufacturing, households, autos, power plants, and all other sources have raised the number to 385 parts per million. And that is causing climate change - global warming, as it is more popularly known.

On Thursday, October 30th at 7:00 pm, join Green Faith members and other concerned citizens at the Clifton Park – Halfmoon Library for an informational presentation on the movement. Our speaker will be Jeremy Osborn from, representing author-environmentalist, Bill McKibbon. This program is sponsored by the Saratoga County Interfaith Environmental Coalition in the interest of improving our stewardship of the Earth.

So listen for the bells on Thursday, Oct. 30th at - you guessed it – 3:50pm and think about what action you can take to reduce your “carbon footprint” to a level that will help make our planet sustainable."

"Learn how to implement and enhance state and local green building policy andprograms from national experts - right at your own computer!Register today for the U.S. Green Building Council's new "Greening YourGovernment" Webinar Series <>

* Understand key components and resources for implementing LEED atthe state and local level.
* Explore the development of the STAR Community Index, and thetools and resources it provides for developing sustainable communitiesnationwide.
* Identify sound green building policy and key implementationstrategies through case examples.
Who Should Participate:
This webinar is a valuable educational opportunity for state and localgovernment leadership and staff, policy makers, advocates, and anyone elseinterested developing and enhancing green government building programs. "